反抗期を拗らせ、誰の言うことも聞かずにマイペースな活動を続けて今に至る。3DCG、立体造形、動画、写真など、様々なメディアで自由に(節操なく)作品を制作しているが、社会と自分たちの内面との差分に発生するネガティブな感情を、「Joy to the world」というメッセージと共に、シニカルな視点で大衆アートに忍び込ませる点で一貫している。
An art unit consisting of PIZZA and BONSAI, two people who met on social networking sites in 2022 and started working together as a unit in 2023. They have been working at their own pace with a rebellious and sulky style.
They freely create works in a variety of media, including 3DCG, sculpture, video, and photography. but their work is consistent in that they infiltrate negative emotions that arise from the gap between society and their inner selves into popular art from a cynical perspective with the message of “Joy to the world”.
We always think we should try harder.

Laforet Harajuku “Hello my name is NFT” , 2022
EDGEoff Daikanyama “GYPBOTW”, 2022
Shibuya PARCO “NFT Art Tokyo3”, 2023
EDGEoff Daikanyama “g吸3煩S多ワ”, 2024
HMV records Shibuya “HMVxSWARM”, 2024
We are always happy to DM